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Luton Borough Council

Nursery education code of practice


Luton’s nursery education code of practice documents are based on the DfE’s statutory guidance and should be read and understood alongside it.

The local conditions within these documents have been developed to ensure that the needs of children accessing free early education entitlement in Luton are met.
To be eligible to be included in Luton’s directory of providers to deliver free early education places, all early years and childcare providers must agree to the conditions of the provider agreement with us.

Only those providers who meet the requirements of our code of practice will be funded to provide free places.
We give all Ofsted registered early years and childcare providers (that meet Ofsted’s quality expectations) the opportunity to offer free early education places to eligible children aged two, three and four years of age.
All eligible children should be able to access and take up free, high quality, early education, benefitting the child’s social, physical and mental development and helping to prepare them for school.

Apply for Early Years Funding

Parent declaration

The parent declaration form, which must be completed for all children receiving early education funding, can be found below. Please note: this is not accessible for online use and should be printed and given to parents.


Contact info
Early Years team

Tel: 01582 548988

[email protected]


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